Welcome to Finaghy Primary School

At Finaghy Primary School we aim to prepare children for life in tomorrow’s world. We believe that parents require more from a school than they did in the past. Teaching the ‘three ‘r’s, whilst still important, is now only one part of what we do.

As well as teaching the academic subjects, our curriculum now includes:

  • Personal & Social Education
  • Citizenship Education
  • Health Education
  • IT/Media/Internet Safety
  • Mutual Understanding and Thinking & Learning Skills

Upcoming Events & Holidays

  • 27 Aug
    Autumn Term Starts

All of the staff of Finaghy Primary would like to thank you for your support this year and we hope all of our pupils and families have an enjoyable summer!

KS1 Prizegiving
Congratulations to the boys and girls in P1, 2 and 3 who received prizes for Effort, Homework and Full Attendnce.


FS/KS1 Prizegiving Winners
Well done to our award winners in P1, 2 and 3 who were awarded cups for Maths, Phonics, Kindness and Handwriting.


Non Uniform Day
Friday 28th June will be a non- uniform day for pupils. Please note that school will finish at 12.10 that day. No school dinners will be served.

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