Board of Governors
Unlike days of old, our governors are very involved in the life of the school. Governors are elected every 4 years and include parents, teachers, church, community and Education Authority representatives. Governors serve on various sub-committees and oversee school finances, school development, Child Protection, extended services, appointments and legal compliance.
Chair: Mr Peter Breene MBE
Vice Chair: Mr Trevor Dale MBE
Please email us if you have any feedback. We’d be delighted to hear from you.
Complaints Procedure:
Most issues are successfully resolved with a quick word between parent and teacher. However, issues can also be brought to the attention of the Principal. Ultimately a parent can raise an issue with school governors or with EANI, but would normally have tried to resolve the issue at a lower level first. Issues can be discussed face-to-face, or by emailing [email protected]
Click below to read the Governors’ Annual Report.